eigenland Online Thesenbewertung

Best Practiceworkshop

DMK Group sets the course for joint success with eigenland® Online

"Continuous Improvement means much more than just saving resources and budgets" knows Matthias Schrader, head of the CI program. But what exactly is a CI program? And what does it mean for the DMK Group? What constitutes a CIP mindset? And how is this mindset generated among all the people in the organization? Many open questions, which the CI team answered together in eigenland® online workshops.
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15 participants

Achieve enthusiasm

The DMK Group has developed Vision 2030 to ensure its future viability. To get there successfully, the organization knows that the willingness of each and every individual in the Group is required to look for potential for improvement every day - on both a small and a large scale. For this reason, a CI program has been developed with the aim of enabling all people in the organization to develop a CIP mindset and to implement it in their daily activities as a matter of course and on their own responsibility.

Stay Hungry - CI program of the DKM Group

  • The DMK Group has developed a Vision 2030 as a guiding principle that will serve as the basis for securing the company's future viability in the years ahead.
  • In order to make the vision a reality, each individual at the DMK Group bears responsibility for making the company a little better every day
  • Implementation of a company-wide Continuous Improvement Program (CI Program) to achieve DMK Vision 2030.
  • Development of a common picture of success for the CI program with all those responsible for the program
  • Clarity and a common understanding about the CI program to enable the entire company for CI through targeted internal communication
  • Use of eigenland® Online as the leading tool for two half-day workshops within one week
  • Conducting the first workshop with the program board and stakeholders with the aim of exchanging and sharpening the CI program's image of success
  • Conducting the second workshop exclusively with the program board to develop their own Golden Circle (according to Simon Sinek) for the CI program
  • Use of the video conferencing tools Webex and Microsoft Teams
  • Development of a basis for the common target image for the CI program
  • Development of a Golden Circle for the CI program
  • Release of new energy & motivation for the implementation of the CI program
  • Based on the workshop results and the new target picture, the CI team itself aligned the structures and processes.
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Ingo Müller, CEO, DMK-Group

»I am surprised how good online workshops can be. All it takes are the right tools. The interaction and ease of the eigenland® online workshop impressed me.«

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