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toolseigenland® Multisense

More results, sustainable impact

Experience interactive workshops, seminars, and events in which your participants are energized to achieve new results in the shortest possible time and develop new ideas and measures together.

eigenland® Multisense combines multisensory, intuitive and human-centered elements as a playful approach and accelerates the creation of your topics. The result: motivated and activated people who want to help shape your change project and achieve goals together.
For all those who want to make change & transformation better, easier and more successful - in less time.

Workshops, |

One system for all your change topics

Design your change & transformation topics from the inside out.

More effect. More success.

  • participative & motivating

    All participants are involved from the beginning, their opinions are heard and they actively shape the next steps.

  • eigenland Multisense Workshop

    scientifically based

    We consciously perceive only 0.0004% of all information. The "remaining" 99.9996% is stored as experiential knowledge and serves intuition as a basis for decision-making.

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  • eigenland Multisense Thesenscheibe

    anonymous & appreciative

    Regardless of hierarchies, positions and functions, the result is lively communication, relaxed laughter and joy in a creative atmosphere.

  • eigenland Multisense App

    faster & better

    In a maximum of one day, your team will gain new insights, focus them on profitable activities and develop new ideas and measures.

  • eigenland Multisense Workshop

    more efficient

    Easy and fast conception, implementation and follow-up of your workshop through access to the eigenland® library with theses, templates & much more.

  • eigenland Multisense App

    metaphorical support

    eigenland® Multisense is based on the idea that teams and organizations can be seen as islands in the sea of possibilities. Within the framework of a transformation journey, the aim is to ideally develop one's own organization (eigenland®) including all fields of action. With the help of the graphic island evaluation, potentials can be identified and measures and ideas can be derived.

eigenland Wirkungsweise

Productive, participative & playful

Anything but ordinary.
The recipe for success of eigenland® Multisense is a participative approach that effectively combines intuitive, playful and multisensory elements. All participants are involved and attitudes and behavior are developed.

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How it works

Anything but ordinary: In a maximum of one day you will achieve new insights and new ideas with eigenland® Multisense to accelerate your topics.

Motivation is strengthened, hierarchies are dissolved and the knowledge of teams is used.

  • eigenland Methode, Steine

    Intuitive thesis evaluation

    eigenland® relies on the experiential knowledge of your participants. Theses are intitively evaluated with colored stones. The experiential knowledge of your team becomes visible and discussable.

  • eigenland Multisense App

    Immediate results

    Anonymously and just-in-time, all evaluations are evaluated via the eigenland® app according to the degree of agreement with the theses and unanimity among the participants.

  • eigenland Multisense workshop

    Every opinion counts

    All participants are actively and playfully involved to advance your projects together.

  • eigenland Multisense Workshop

    Measures & Ideas

    In a rational and appreciative dialogue, perspectives are shared, potentials become visible and a common awareness is achieved.

hall of fame

eigenland hall of fame norbert feldhaus
Norbert Feldhaus, Head of Human Resources & Legal Deutscher Sparkassenverlag Stuttgart

Using the eigenland® Multisense method, we successfully developed the awareness and mindset with over 100 executives for our new (leadership) culture in the context of digital transformation, while at the same time defining concrete measures and ideas for our path into the future and future behavior in a playful and very efficient way.

Read more Best Practice

Tried and tested - always successful

eigenland® Multisense can be used wherever people work together.
The clear opinion of our customers: Fast, unique and spectacular.

eigenland Multisense Workshop
  • Areas of application

    Successful application for every entrepreneurial field of action - strategy development, future image design, cultural change, team & leadership, communication, collaboration, processes & structures, innovation development, digitalization, sustainability...
    Whether as a workshop, event or co-creation format, whether at the beginning, during or after your project, your participants will be activated and motivated.

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  • Scaling options

    Whether 2 or 8 hours, whether 5 or 500 workshop participants - always scalable and 100% adapted to your topics and objectives.

  • Possible applications

    Successful for any size of organization, any personality structure (trainee to board member) and especially effective for in-house consultancies, HR and change & culture managers.

get to know more tools

Be prepared for all conditions and accelerate your change & transformation topics holistically.

eigenland® Online
Create productive online workshops instead of monotonous online meetings with eigenland® Online.

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Are you Ready¿ Box - Courage
Take your teams' courage potential to a new level and get your teams into action right away.

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Get to know eigenland® Multisense.

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