eigenland Zertifizierung

Certification & License

Shape change
- with more success

Accelerates the design of your change & transformation topics. The independent use of the eigenland® system makes your workshop preparation, implementation and follow-up easy and efficient.

By accessing the entire eigenland® system, you benefit from the knowledge library with templates, workshop concepts and theses as well as the exchange of experiences of the eigenland® community and gain maximum security in the design of your topics.

Get started immediately & productive in a flash
- eigenland® certification

Make your workshops and events decidedly more successful - from preparation, execution and follow-up.

The certification can take place online, hybrid or in presence, depending on your wishes. From five people from an organization, we are also happy to conduct an in-house certification.

  • eigenland Wirkshop


    The eigenland® certification enables you to use eigenland® Online and eigenland® Multisense independently and gives you the right to conduct eigenland® workshops.

  • eigenland Session

    Admission ticket to the
    eigenland® Community

    You become part of the eigenland® community with more than 1,500 certified people from DAX companies, medium-sized businesses and institutions. You will also receive discounts for events, access to trainings of the eigenland® Academy and much more.

  • eigenland Multisense Thesenscheibe

    Safety & a
    good feeling

    You get access to all service modules of the eigenland® system and benefit from the knowledge library with templates, workshop concepts and theses as well as the exchange of experiences of the eigenland® community.

  • Nachhaltigkeit eigenland

    Own tree in
    Community forest

    As a certified eigenland® consultant, you will receive your own tree in the community forest at treedom

  • eigenland Zertifizierung

    eigenland® Consultant

    With participation in the eigenland® certification you will receive your personal eigenland® consultant certificate.


Katrin Kratky
Katrin Kratky, Head of Human Resources Development & Change Management, Deutsche Leasing

The internal eigenland® certification was an absolute highlight and an important milestone in our culture transformation. In just one day, we had a lot of fun learning about the special features and the mode of action of eigenland® and were able to develop ideas for our topics in the application and facilitation training. This way we can step on the gas and move our cultural transformation forward. The "power system" and the playful approach will help us enormously to quickly get to the core of the essential topics.

Step on the gas & make change especially flexible
- eigenland® license

To get the most out of your themes, purchasing an eigenland® license after your certification ensures you maximum security, flexibility and freedom.

Choose the license package that best suits your usage and application situations.

  • eigenland Portal

    Organize Workshops centrally

    The eigenland® portal makes it easy for you to design and manage your workshops and organize your organization. You have access to the eigenland® Wiki where you can find help, instructions and tips & tricks for your workshops.

  • eigenland Workshopequipment

    Maximum security
    & full flexibility

    With the eigenland® system equipment you receive all the equipment you need for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of your eigenland® workshops and events.

  • eigenland Thesenscheibe

    Preparation effort

    More than 80,000 theses for your successful workshops. In the thesis library, you simply enter the topic you want to shape, e.g. leadership, collaboration, strategy development... You will be shown suitable sample theses, which you can immediately use or individualize for your workshops with a click.

  • eigenland Online Auswertung

    Workshop implementation

    Activate your participants and use the interactive features like the Wheel of Fortune or the Word Cloud in your workshops.

The right license package

for your change success

  • eigenland®


    Ideal for organizations that want to promote their topics in face-to-face workshops & events. With the eigenland® Multisense license you get the complete system equipment to conduct as many workshops as you want.

    450€ plus VAT
    or more
  • eigenland®


    Perfect for creating productive online meetings and sessions. You can hold as many eigenland® online workshops as you like. You can also use many other features (Wheel of Fortune, Word Cloud...) to activate your participants.

    400€ plus VAT
    or more
  • eigenland®


    Ideal for using eigenland® at any time, independent of your framework conditions, at the push of a button for the effective design of your topics. You will receive the entire system equipment as well as all software and hardware components for your eigenand® online and multisense workshops.

    650€ plus VAT.
    or more
eigenland Multisense workshop

Double power for your success

In addition to the eigenland® tools, you can benefit from the know-how of the eigenland® team in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of your workshop.

book workshop

Frequently asked questions

Why should I get certified as an eigenland® consultant?

More results in the shortest time and full flexibility & freedom in designing your topics ... [more]

With the eigenland® system, you experience quality and speed throughout the entire process. Whether in workshop preparation, implementation or follow-up. You always benefit from diverse experience and know-how.

  • As a certified eigenland® consultant, you have access to workshop templates, success patterns and the eigenland® thesis library with more than 80,000 theses for your workshop design, giving you maximum security. At the same time, you are completely free to design your topics around change and transformation.

  • You actively involve employees and gain new insights, numerous ideas and solutions from their experience in just one day.

  • You act independently of the framework conditions and can use the eigenland® system flexibly at any time at the touch of a button (online, hybrid, in person)

  • You will benefit from the exchange of information within the eigenland® community with more than 1,500 certified consultants from DAX companies, medium-sized businesses and institutions who are dealing with similar issues and topics

Is online participation in the eigenland® certification possible?

Yes... [more]

We regularly offer eigenland® certifications that are purely digital. You can find the next dates here.

Is an in-house certification possible?

In any case ... [more]

Once a month we offer an open certification where anyone:r can participate and the mix of people & organizations creates a valuable exchange. Inhouse certifications are possible from 5 people from one organization. We are happy to arrange an individual appointment for an in-house certification.

What is the difference between eigenland® certification and eigenland® license?

With the eigenland® certification you acquire the right to conduct eigenland® workshops. With the eigenland® license you receive all the equipment for the independent use of... [more]

After successful participation in an eigenland® certification, you are authorized to conduct eigenland® workshops, sessions and events on your own. In addition, you are part of the eigenland® community and have access to all contents of the eigenland® system - templates, theses and much more for your workshop design. 

With the subsequent purchase of the eigenland® license, you receive the entire system equipment for eigenland® Multisense and/or eigenland® Online for your permanent use with your co-branding.

How long is the contract period of the eigenland® license?

12 months ... [more]

The contract period for the eigenland® Online, eigenland® Multisense or eigenland® Bundle license is 12 months and can be terminated three months before expiration. Otherwise, the contract is extended by 12 months.

get to know eigenland®

Together we will talk about your goals and think about how you can make your change & transformation topics faster and better with eigenland®.

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Phone: +49 23 64 50 52 940