eigenland® makes your change & transformation much more successful - from development and implementation to reflection and control.
✔️ Involves employees and uses the experience of teams.
✔️ Shapes change and transformation from the inside out.
✔️ Achieve visible success by developing the attitude and behavior of your employees.
✔️Trefft Better decisions
For all who want to make change & transformation better, easier and more successful - in less time.
get to know eigenland®eigenland® is the power system for HR teams, change & culture shapers to accelerate change topics from the inside out.
At the same time, eigenland® is anything but ordinary: neither a pure method, nor a typical workshop tool, nor a classic consulting firm. With effective tools, inspiring exchange of experiences and the eigenland® knowledge library you will bring your topics to success.
Participative, playful and interactive workshops
Achieves better results & experiences and convinces with successful impact workshops instead of boring stranglehold workshops.
The eigenland® tools empower people & organizations to shape transformation themselves.
Network with competent people who tick in the same way as your
Learn even more and be inspired by the trustworthy knowledge transfer of the eigenland® community with more than 1,500 certified eigenland® consultants from Dax corporations, medium-sized businesses and public institutions.
Knowledge library with theses, templates & workshop concepts
Save time in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of your workshops and events. The eigenland® knowledge library simplifies, gives you security and a good feeling for the acceleration of your topics.
create common perspective
develop new attitude
promote effective behavior
better decisions
happier employees
strong market position
Decidedly more successful with eigenland®.
Change & transformation often do not succeed despite many measures. In order to be successful in the present and at the same time position yourself well for the future, eigenland® accelerates your change & transformation topics - away from boring stranglehold workshops to inspiring impact workshops.
get to know eigenland®Tools, templates, concepts, theses - the most important tools for your change design in a system
Usable for your individual framework conditions at the push of a button
Involve people and leverage the intuitive experiential knowledge of teams
For a successful present & future
Achieve new insights in the shortest possible time and activate people in the organization
Change design from the inside out. Numbers, data & facts combined with the intuitive knowledge of experience and external impulses.