You can find the most frequently asked questions and answers about the application and usage of the eigenland® system, its special features and how it works, as well as the results achieved in eigenland® workshops here.

We are also happy to help you personally and to brainstorm together regarding your plans and goals.
Simply send us an e-mail to hallo@eigenland.de or call us at +49 2364 50 92 540.
We look forward to talking to you.

What is eigenland® & what is the eigenland® system?

We are your enabler, thinker and accelerator for human-centered transformation & change. With logic, intuition and a system consisting of tools, people & knowledge for more speed and quality ... [more]

eigenland® puts people in the focus of development projects and accelerates the achievement of your individual goal

  • eigenland® empowers people and organizations to shape their change and transformation topics from the inside out

  • The eigenland® system effectively combines the three components Tools, People & Knowledge, so that you always benefit from all three elements

    With the people-centered and participative eigenland® tools, people & organizations are empowered to shape transformation themselves and accelerate development. The tools eigenland® Online and eigenland® Multisense can be easily used for digital, face-to-face and hybrid workshops

    More than 1,500 certified eigenland® consultants from DAX companies, medium-sized businesses and institutions are connected in the eigenland® community. Through composure, competence, and a trusting exchange at eye level, new ideas and powerful energy are created

    New experiences of vital organizations, professional expertise, workshop templates, the thesis library and much more help to make workshop preparation, implementation and follow-up easier and accelerate the shaping process

What is the eigenland® method?

An interactive and people-centered workshop method ... [more]

The innovative eigenland® method is an approach used in the tools eigenland® Online and eigenland® Multisense. The special feature is the combination of multisensory and digital elements as well as the use of both sides of the brain (intuition & ratio) in a playful approach.
Appreciative, solution-oriented and highly effective for every organization and every team.

  • participative

  • intuitive

  • interactive

  • haptic

  • result-oriented in the context of composure, behavior and impact

  • focused on the relevant goal and topic

Who can we recommend the eigenland® system to?

For all organizations, teams and people who want to push their topics around transformation & change effectively ... [more]

Since our founding in 2016, many organizations have been using the eigenland® system in more than 20 countries to shape their present and future in a participative way. From the board of directors to the trainee. From small medium-sized businesses to large corporations. In every stage of development. Among them are e.g.

  • Corporations

    Covestro AG, Audi AG, Siemens, Linde, Allianz et al.

  • Medium-sized businesses

    Haufe Group, LVM Insurance, large, medium and small banks and savings banks, Manz AG, AEB Software SE, apetito, Goldbeck Group, MERA Tiernahrung GmbH, GuideCom et al.

  • Public institutions

    Digitization Office of the City of Bielefeld, Osnabrück County, City of Hamburg, Munich Fire Department et al.

  • Consulting

    zeb, Haufe Consulting, cyclos Design, next level Consulting, Team Gnesda, MUUUH! Group, noventum Consulting, Great Place to Work, IDW (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer) et al.

What is special about eigenland® workshops & events?

Customers say: Quick, precise, focused, appreciative and result-oriented ... [more]

In a playful atmosphere, you will gain new insights and both tangible (ideas, solutions, measures) and intangible results (commitment, composure, meaning) in a wide variety of application situations and topics, and inspire your participants - even those who were skeptical before.

  • participative and intuitive ( collaborative / participative)

  • playful and interactive elements remove leaders and classical hierarchies

  • everyone gets involved & contributes to achieving the common goal


  • experience & result in your digital, face-to-face or hybrid workshops, meetings & conferences

  • the changed composure and behavior of the participants becomes visible immediately

Why are participation, intuition & ratio or a playful approach so important?

To make successful decisions, activate people and achieve the best impact possible ... [more]

Every person makes between 20,000 and 80,000 decisions every day. In change and transformation processes, the number is significantly higher. And we only succeed because we make a large number of decisions based on our intuition.

  • Intuition & Ratio

    With every experience, knowledge doesn't only become conscious, but also unconscious, therefore expanding our intuitive knowledge. Brain and intuition research proves that with 11 million bit of information per second impacting a person, only 0.0004% of all messages are consciously perceived. The intuitive knowledge is therefore 99.9996%.

    Sharing intuitive knowledge, making it discussable and comparing it, and only then evaluating and deciding rationally, leads teams and organizations to completely new results. The quality of decisions is significantly higher. Through intuitive thesis evaluation followed by a rational discussion based on numbers, data and facts, the eigenland® method makes use of both intuitive knowledge and rationality.

  • Playful approac

    In games, teams feel more free and connected, are open to new experiences, and casually reduce tensions. Through the playful approach of the eigenland® method, all participants and their opinions are heard, hierarchies are broken down, and participants are an active and co-responsible part of the development process from the very beginning. Even complex and uncomfortable topics are solved in an appreciative and constructive way through the playful setting and atmosphere.

  • Participation

    If people are heard and included with their wishes, fears and ideas and are invited to participate, the goals of your project will be achieved quicker.

    Through intuitive thesis evaluation, every voice and opinion is heard and included, regardless of hierarchical levels. In the rational discussion that follows, the participants work out ideas and solutions together, highlight the significance for their everyday work and make the project their own shared topic. The affected parties become participants and the commitment increases. The participants experience orientation and a sense of purpose and are activated to participate as multipliers. This is how you achieve more impact.

For which questions, topics and which maturity level can I use the eigenland® system?

For pretty much all topics around transformation & change - from strategy development and implementation, leadership, collaboration and cultural change to team topics and innovation development ...  [more]

Our customers have shown us that the eigenland® system is being successfully used for the shapingof meta-topics and detailed topics as well as for the implementation of the developed results.

In the context of change & transformation, the use of the eigenland® system is successful for every entrepreneurial field of action: The results are always very concrete and focused on the relevant issue and objective. For example, it can be used for the following topics:

  • Future image, image of success

  • Strategy development

  • Cultural change


  • Leadership & Team

  • Collaboration, processes & structures

  • Sustainability

  • Digitalization

  • Innovation

  • ...

The contents and the type of application are always 100% based on the topic, the issue and the individual framework of the organization.
Goals and questions are e.g.

  1. What is our problem?
    The problem is clear.
  2. Where do we stand?
    The current state is clear.
  3. Where do we want to go?
    Our future image, vision or goal is clear, emotionally touching and activating.
  4. What is the best way to reach the goal? The most important fields of action are clear, the measures and ideas developed and defined.
  5. How do we ensure development and goal achievement?
    This is how we manifest new composures and new behavior, strengthen the already existing things while testing new things in an individually appropriate balance of stability and instability.

How does an eigenland® workshop work exactly?

Interactive, participative and playful with ease and joy ...  [more]

In an eigenland® (online) workshop, both sides of the brain (intuition & ratio) are used in a participative process to shape entrepreneurial fields of action with joy and ease. Before the workshop, the chosen topic is structured into up to six action fields. Then up to ten statements are defined for each of the defined action fields, describing the ideal situation, e.g. "We all have a common picture of our future success“

  • Intuitive thesis evaluation

    First, the participants intuitively evaluate the previously prepared statements with the help of (virtual) glass stones, the so-called "resources". The colors of the stones symbolize agreement with the individual statements.

  • Immediate results

    The results are then documented by the facilitator in the eigenland® app or in the online system and immediately evaluated and visualized. The agreement with the statements and the agreement within the team are measured.

  • Rational discussion

    Under the guidance of the facilitator, the participants discuss the results and develop ideas and solutions together. The playful atmosphere and the structured and creative process support the rational discussion in order to reach new insights and many results quickly and in an appreciative way - free of hierarchies and the opinion leaders.

What is the result of an eigenland® workshop?

Customers report a faster achievement of their goals due to a common awareness and activated people ... [more]

In comparison to common workshops, you will experience the crucial difference in the effect:

  • Quickly gain a shared awareness of the status quo

  • Use of the intuitive experiential knowledge of teams and gaining new insights, perspectives and potentials

  • Orientation, sense of purpose and engagement for all participants

  • Goal-oriented and appreciative dialog even on critical topics

  • Tangible results through immediate statement evaluation in the form of numbers, data and facts

  • A variety of ideas, solutions and measures

  • Enthusiastic and activated people with a common commitment

  • Measurable acceleration of your topics

How can I use the eigenland® system?

You have the choice: on your own in your organization or with your customers, with the support of the eigenland® team or through certified eigenland® consultants ... [more]

You have three options to use the eigenland® system for your topics:

  • independently in your organization

    Through your own change managers, trainers and consultants. These are certified by us once in a 1-day training to facilitate digital, face-to-face and hybrid workshops themselves. With a company-specific license for eigenland® Multisense and/or eigenland® Online, you receive the entire equipment for permanent and flexible use in your organization. No matter if you are a company, a public institution or a consulting agency.

  • eigenland® Community

    Certified consultants from the eigenland® Community with the right professional and personal skills.

  • eigenland® Team

    Trust the professional expertise of the eigenland® team and run your workshop or event with the support and facilitation of the eigenland® team.

Choose the option that suits your needs best. In any case, you will receive impulses & experiences of vital organizations through the knowledge transfer of the eigenland® community.
We can gladly give you a recommendation which approach makes the most sense for you regarding content and economy.

Why should I get certified as an eigenland® consultant? Is there an alternative?

Mehr Ergebnisse in kürzester Zeit und volle Flexibilität & Freiheit bei der Gestaltung Ihrer Themen ... [mehr]

More results in a short period of time and full flexibility & freedom in shaping your topics ... [more]

With the eigenland® system, you experience quality and speed throughout the entire process. Whether in workshop preparation, implementation or follow-up. You always benefit from diverse experience and know-how.

  • As a certified eigenland® consultant, you have access to workshop templates, success models and the eigenland® statement library with more than 80,000 statements for your workshop, giving you maximum security. At the same time, you are completely free to shape your topics around change and transformation as you like

  • You actively involve employees and gain new insights, many ideas and solutions from their experience, all in just one day

  • You are independent of framework conditions and can flexibly use the eigenland® system at any time (online, hybrid, in person)

  • You benefit from the exchange of information within the eigenland® community consisting of more than 1,000 certified consultants from DAX companies, medium-sized businesses and institutions who are dealing with similar issues and topics

Die Alternative ist, dass sie das eigenland® System durch jemanden aus der eigenland® Community erleben, oder ein ihnen vertrautes Unternehmen sich zertifizieren lässt.

Who is behind eigenland®?

People with a lot of power, composure and competence ... [more]

In addition to the eigenland® team, we are now a great eigenland® community with more than 1,000 certified eigenland® consultants from DAX companies, medium-sized businesses and institutions. Based on our belief that people are more successful together than individually, we share experiences, ideas and success patterns with each other.
Always with trust, at eye level and with a lot of power and energy.

eigenland Community

What is the philosophy of eigenland® and how do you work?

Fast. Precise. Fun. Focused ... [more]

You will always experience us in high quality and speed - that is our goal. We are convinced that organizations already have everything they need to be successful. The crucial difference occurs when the experiential knowledge of teams is included in a participative and meaningful way and activated with an impulse if needed.

Based on our philosophy, we are not a traditional consulting firm, but empower organizations and people to shape their own change and transformation topics. In doing so, we always align our actions with our Power Principles:

  • Empower each other

  • We create light bulb moments

  • It's all about energy: We fill up the energy tank of others.

  • ...