eigenland Online Workshop

Best Practice

Thought ahead

Experienced HR professionals take a look at the future of HR with eigenland® Online.

What are the top HR issues in 2021? How will HR change in the long term due to the Corona situation? And what kind of HR function is required to meet current and future demands? These are precisely the questions that HR will get to the bottom of in 2021. The starting signal for shaping the future of HR was given with an eigenland® online session with seven experienced HR professionals.
Workshop - Keyfacts
Trade journal "Personalwirtschaft"
Press l Journalism
hybride HR
7 participants

This is what the future of HR looks like

  • The Corona pandemic has turned many things upside down: In society, the economy, the world of work....
  • In 2021, HR explores the question of what we learn from the Corona pandemic and where it leads us.
  • Due to the new hybrid world of work, HR will be rethought as a focus topic to meet the current and future requirements in the world of work
  • Sharing thoughts on the challenges of the Corona pandemic for HR. 
  • Sharing lessons learned and perspectives on what moved the HR world in 2020
  • Sharing thinking and perspectives on assessments of the future of HR 
  • Filling the term "hybrid HR" with content
  • 3-hour digital after-work think tank with seven experienced HR professionals as well as the editor-in-chief and the publisher of Personalwirtschaft 
  • Use of eigenland® Online to design an interactive and effective session
  • Intuitive evaluation of 30 theses in the fields of action "What was? What will? What is?" around the topic of "HR and the world of work".
  • Based on the immediate evaluation of the results, a lively and appreciative discussion took place on the topic "Hybrid HR" - A new HR function for a new working world"
  • Documentation of the results with Miro
  • Evaluation and assessment of the impact of the Corona pandemic on HR today and tomorrow. 
  • Sketching a first picture on the topic of "Hybrid HR".
  • Detailed results and experiences can be found in the article "Forward thinking" in the January issue of Personalwirtschaft
eigenland Thesengrafik
eigenland Hall of Fame Marcel Rütten
Marcel Rütten, Global Director Talent Aquisition & Employer Branding, Paccor

»With increasing duration of remote work, a decoupling from the
decoupling from the workplace and the employer takes place.«

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