eigenland Thesenbewertung

Best PracticeWorkshop

Department merger: structured and future-oriented

The goal of the organization: to merge two departments with a similar orientation and overlapping areas of responsibility in order to be better positioned for the future. With eigenland®, the two departments, which were strongly influenced by silo thinking, managed to think about the future of the joint team in an appreciative manner and at eye level, and to develop concrete ideas & measures for implementation.
Workshop – Key facts
Department merger
40 project participants
8 h

Dialogue at eye level

  • The recommendation of a project team in a non-profit organisation is to merge two departments due to similar focus and similar areas of responsibility
  • There is a different openness to the merger due to long-term company affiliation in some cases. 
  • In both departments there is still sufficient untapped potential and many efficiency advantages
  • Until now, strong silo thinking in the individual areas of responsibility
  • Create a shared mindset and a road map for those affected by the project
  • Strengthen cooperation between departments
  • Take up the wishes and ideas of the employees in order to integrate them in the ongoing change process
  • Gather of ideas for sensible future structures
  • One-day workshop with eigenland® Multisense during a major change project on the subject of department merger
  • Carry out the eigenland® workshop to kick off project implementation with approx. 40 participants including everyone affected by the project, project participants and the new department management
  • Work out six action areas with main focus on cooperation, communication, organisation and processes
  • Stimulating discussions about strategic and operative topics without taking hierarchies into account
  • A large number of participants became players during the eigenland® workshop, since the workshop put equitable participation in the change process into focus
  • Developed numerous concrete ideas for reaching the goals that were set regarding internal networking, higher levels of innovative skills and achieving greater agility

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